14 February 2007

It Had to Be Mitch

It's Valentine's Day, and Mitch and I have found ourselves on opposite sides of the country :-( So, I was sitting here thinking about him while I did my boring work, when iTunes played me a little Valentine song - Harry Connick Jr's version of "It Had to Be You." Not only is this version of the song from perhaps my all-time favorite movie ("When Harry Met Sally"), it is also the song we used for our first dance at our wedding. I don't have a video clip of the dance to post here, so I'm making do.

Also, we're a bit Harry and Sally ourselves. We were friends first. We didn't date for a good 6-7 months (though we were together as often as possible nonetheless) before we declared ourselves a couple, and God knows I'm the uptight one who gets cold when it's 71 degrees out, while he's the fun-loving Mallowmar eater :-)

These are for you, Mitch!

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