I have hay in my shoe, I said to Ethan and my mom this past Saturday. I don't think I've ever said those words, in that order, before. We'd taken Ethan to Hill Ridge Farms, in Youngsville, NC (about 20 minutes north of Raleigh).

Most Octobers, we are in NY and visit a fabbo place in Muttonville for pumpkins, but this year, with Mitch in CA right now, the NY thing wasn't happening. This place, I must say, was even better, when you consider all the cool stuff they have.
We took a hayride to the farm's pumpkin patch, where Ethan wasted no time choosing just the right one for him. Then, we were off on a train ride, through a literally short maze (over whose walls he towered, thus eliminating the difficulty of the thing), and an 80-foot slide. They also had a pond, where we could "feed the hungry, friendly fish," Ethan assured me, though we didn't happen to have any fish food on us. We even got to see a combine (Frank?) at work, something E and I had only previously seen in the movie "Cars."

The weather was perfect for such a day - crisp and cool, with bright sunshine.
I am so glad fall is here!

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